
“The worst part about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth”=“被欺骗的最坏的部分是知道你不值得知道的真相”

“Be the change”=“做出改变”

“Fearfully and wonderfully made”=“可怕而奇妙的”

“You don’t know what you’re alive for until you know what you would die for”=“你不知道你活着是为了什么,直到你知道你将要死去。”

“Forget your past, forgive yourself, and begin again”=“忘记过去,原谅自己,重新开始。”

“To err is human; to forgive is divine.”=“犯错是人之常情;宽恕是神圣的。”

“Dream Believe Dare Do”=“相信梦想敢于行动”

“Faith Hope and Love”=“信念、希望和爱”

“Live each day as if it were your last”=“把每一天都当作你生命中的最后一天”

“I will fear no evil for you are with me”=“我不怕邪恶因为你和我在一起”

“If you can dream it you can do it”=“如果你能梦想,那么你就能做到”来自华特迪士尼。

“Wars begin in the minds of men”=“战争始于人的思想”

“Heart means everything”=“心意味着一切”

“Never compromise. Not even in the face of armageddon.”=“绝不妥协。甚至在面对末日的时候。”

“Strength Respect Loyalty”=“力量尊重忠诚”

“Fear is the mind killer”=“恐惧是心灵的杀手”

“Until forever fades away”=“直到永远消失”

“Betrayer, where is your head. Betrayer, where is your heart.”=“背叛者,你的头在哪里?背叛者,你的心在哪里?”

One Life One Love=一生只爱一人。

I listened to the brag of my heart I am I am I am=我听了我内心的呼唤,是我是我是我

To sleep, perchance to dream…=睡觉,也许梦中…

“Never a failure always a lesson.”=“从来没有失败,有的只是教训。”

“Fate fell short”=“命运短暂”

“What type of harvest will September bring”=“九月会收获什么样的收获?”

Uncertain, intrepid, possibly immortal decidedly in love=不确定的,无畏的,可能是永恒的,坚定的爱。

Just as long as there are stars above us=只要我们头顶还有星星

She was no more no less, than anything but herself=她不多不少,就是她自己。

You are what you love and not what loves you back=你是你所爱的人,而不是你所爱的人

Laugh as much as you breathe. love as long as you live.=笑就像你呼吸一样多。只要你还活着,就爱你。

“I suppose it will all make sense when we grow up”=”我想等我们长大了一切都会有意义的”

“Through Every Dark Night, There is a Brighter Day”=”度过每一个黑暗的夜晚,有更光明的一天”

“Through Every Dark Night, There is a Brighter Day”=”度过每一个黑暗的夜晚,有更光明的一天”

“Fate doesn’t care about plans”=”命运不关心计划”

“There is a light that never goes out”=”有一盏永不熄灭的灯”

“Sometimes you need to let things go”=”有时你需要放手”

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you truly are”=”成长并成为真正的自己是需要勇气的”

Follow your heart=跟着你的心走

Believe in your dream=相信你的梦想

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is your just to love and be loved in return.=你将学到的最伟大的东西,是你的正义,以爱和被爱作为回报。

We accept the love we think deserve=我们接受了我们认为值得拥有的爱

Live without the sunlight,love without your heartbeat=没有阳光的生活,没有心跳的爱

Don’t forget to love yourself=不要忘了爱自己


Love is worth only a mother=只有对母亲的爱是值得的

I love you more=我更爱你



Wild at heart=狂野的心

more to cool=超级酷

As strong as you were=尽你所能的强大


Not all those who wander are lost=不是所有徘徊的人都迷失了

Never give up=永不言弃

“Inhale the future, exhale the past”=”展望未来,放下过去”

“But without the dark, we’d never see the stars” =”但没有黑暗,我们就看不到星星”

“Let it be”=”随它去吧”

“Sky above me, earth below me, fire within me” =”天空在我之上,大地在我之下,火焰在我心中

Think positive=积极思考。

I refuse to sink=我拒绝沉没。

Take these broken wings and leanr to fl=断裂的翅膀也要学会飞翔。

